The Food Service Growth Show

How To Streamline Restaurant Operations With Tech Implementation By Brett Smith

Apicbase Episode 8

Welcome to the latest episode of the Food Service Growth Show- How to streamline restaurant operations with tech implementation.

In this episode, we sit down with the industry expert to discuss the digitization journey of restaurant businesses and how tech implementation can improve your restaurant business.

Our guest for this episode is Brett Smith, VP of Customer Success at Planday, a workforce management platform for shift-based businesses.

During the podcast, Carl and Brett discuss the challenges that restaurants face when it comes to technology adoption. For example, some restaurant owners may be resistant to change and may be hesitant to invest in new technology due to cost concerns or concerns about the impact on their business operations.

So in this episode, we will explore...

✅ How to streamline restaurant operations with tech implementation.
✅ Digitization journey- from spreadsheets to advanced tech 
✅ How technology can improve your restaurant business
✅ The key to successful tech implementation in your restaurant business
✅ Top tips for a successful tech implementation 
✅ Why restaurants should consider adopting technology?

The hospitality industry is constantly evolving, and technology has become a crucial part of it. By adopting the right technology solutions, restaurants can improve their bottom line, boost productivity, and enhance customer experiences.

Brett emphasizes that the cost of not adopting technology can be even higher in terms of lost productivity, increased labor costs, and missed opportunities for growth. In addition, with the right restaurant technology solution, businesses can save time, reduce waste, and increase revenue.

Brett also talks about the importance of involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process when it comes to technology adoption. This includes not only owners and managers but also staff members who will be using the technology on a daily basis.

Carl and Brett also stress the importance of choosing the right technology solution for your food and beverage business. There are many different food and beverage technology solutions available for restaurants, from inventory management software to staff scheduling tools to mobile ordering platforms. It's important to choose a solution that is tailored to your specific business needs and that can integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

This episode also covers the latest trends in restaurant technology, including the growing popularity of mobile ordering and delivery apps, the use of data analytics to optimize operations and improve the customer experience, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate repetitive tasks and improve accuracy.

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Hello, I'm Carl Jacobs and I'm co-founder and CEO of Apicbase. At Apicbase, we are building the world's best food and beverage management platform. But in this podcast series, it's all about finding answers on how to grow and scale your food service business. I'm talking to numerous experts and industry professionals who are passionate about building a healthy food service industry. Join me on this fascinating journey of entrepreneurship in food. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Food Service Road Show. And today I have with me Jonas Reinholdsson, who is the founder of the O'Learys Group. I'm very happy that he's here today with us. Jonas, just to get started, maybe you can introduce yourself quickly. Hi. Yes, that's right. Jonas here. I'm 61 years old. I'm born and raised in Gothenburg in Sweden. I started my restaurant career in the Summer Times and Summer Island, just outside of Gothenburg, called Marstrand. And then after high school, I just continued in the restaurant business and I've been doing that all my life. So that's me. All right. And yeah, so let's talk a little bit about this concept that you started in the 1980s. If I'm not mistaken, and which grew to over 130 locations in 15 different countries. What is O'Learys? Yes. Like I said, I had a dream when I started in the restaurant business to open up my own restaurant. And after, like I said, high school, I worked a couple of years in Gothenburg in a couple of good restaurants. I mean, front side, so a waiter bar, a head waiter, those kinds of jobs I've been doing front of house and two years in Stockholm. After that, I got the opportunity in the mid 80s to go to an island called Grenada in the West Indies and run a restaurant at a hotel there. And during that year I was there I met three American guys that also opened up a restaurant on Grenada, and they had restaurants on an island called Nantucket outside of Cape Cod in Massachusetts. We became very good friends. And when I went back to Sweden again, this is 1986, I got one of the guys, Joe's telephone numbers, and he said "Give me a call if you want to come to the States and visit or work." So I got back to Gothenburg, then 86, and I got my first restaurant manager job in Sweden, opening up the first brasserie in Sweden actually. And I did that. But after seven, eight months I felt, oh, I always wanted to go to the States and work. So I called my friend Joe and said,"Can I come over?" So in April 1987, I just had a six month visa. I actually went over and worked for them for six months and had a great time. I learned a lot. I mean, Nantucket is a beautiful place. It reminded me of Marstrand, the island I grew up in, in the summertime as well. And like I said, a lot of Europeans didn't think so high about the US gastronomically, but like I said Nantucket there was a fine dining restaurant that I worked at and was just fun to learn a lot and so on. But during the six months I also went into Boston a few times and I really fell in love with the city of Boston. I already was a big sports fan. So on Nantucket as well, every bar had a TV screen on and and showed the Boston Red Sox games and also the Boston Celtics were in the prime then in the mid 80s. I went to the NBA finals against the Lakers. So it was a vibe with everything. And I really loved it and actually went to one of the games in Boston Guard one of the conference finals games. So so there I really fell in love with Boston and the New England culture and the whole sports scene and food and drink scene that was there. Was it there that you got the idea already? That's really where the seed was planted. When I got the real feeling about it. And the other idea was, of course, one day I was working in the restaurant I worked as a waiter in the evenings and the bar was open during the day and me and another guy, we had two bar, we split it every day. So one of the days I was working, it was a Sunday. It was very, very quiet. But two girls came into the bar and one of them was a girl named Ann O'Leary. That's from Boston. And she was on Nantucket helping her brother build a house. And so we talked and, you know, just like that, they were in for an hour or two. They left. The next day I was not working, but I went in to say hello to my colleague in the bar and just, you know, take a coffee. And then Ann was sitting there. She thought I was working and we start talking for a long time and something must have happened there. We swapped telephone numbers. The next day, she was going back to Boston. And then about six weeks later, I went back to Sweden. So we really just had phone calls before I left. I didn't have time to meet her again. But well, back in Sweden, I was, you know, after six months, I didn't really know what I want to do. My father said, you have to go to study, get a normal, you know, get a proper education. I was a little bit tired of the restaurant business after moving back and forth. Gothenberg, Stockholm, the West Indies, Gothenberg, US. So I kind of took like a break from the restaurant business, but Ann and I had contact and and after a while she said, I'll come and visit. So she came to Sweden for two weeks and this is 1987-88, Christmas, New Year's. And during those two weeks it said 'Click' and we really fell in love. So what do we do then? So during the winter, early spring of 1988, we decided "Oh, I'll come to Sweden" she said. For me going to the States, it was a little bit more complicated. With work permits. We probably had to get married. And you know that that time we really, really didn't know each other. But also then during that time I was a little bit tired working 8 to 5, and I really missed the restaurant business. And like I said earlier, I really had a dream to open up my own restaurant. And then kind of the jigsaw puzzle kind of got together there. I had a feeling about Boston, New England sports, and that's really when the kind of embryo to O'Learys started. I had to go over to the US to interview with the Swedish consulate in New York and meet her and then go up to Boston. And really there I really got more inspiration, stole or borrowed menus, took pictures and also looked at other restaurants and pubs in Boston. And every one, of course, was showing sports, chicken wings, that kind of casual dining food. So you took a concept that was already quite, you know, well known in Boston and and other places in the United States. But how did Sweden react on this kind of typical, let's say, American Irish kind of bar concept? I mean, was Sweden ready for this? It was definitely something new, like I said. Also, the TV series Cheers as based on a bar in Boston, also a huge inspiration. And that was a big show in Sweden as well. But of course, when I opened up and found the first location, it was not easy. I was 25 years old and I was looking for a place and I found a really rundown restaurant, good location in Gothenburg, a flight of stairs up. That's always difficult in the F&B industry, but I really found it and I took a really big chance actually. It was a restaurant that was on the verge of bankruptcy and the owners were desperate to get rid of it. So I really I took over the restaurant for one Swedish crown that is a 10th of a euro. Yeah, but I also took over all the debts they had and loans. But before I did that I sold in the idea to all the creditors. And I did a deal with them and just paid 25% what they were owed. I managed to take over some loans with help of my father and some friends and then basically started working. And this was the 1st of October 1988. And in six weeks we transformed this kind of really rundown place. Very, very simple, really, and went back to Boston, bought a lot of stuff, some pictures and some stuff from the sports teams. She went up to her parents attic. For the people that that are not very familiar with the O'Learys concept, who knows? Can you summarize the concept in, let's say, two sentences. A neighborhood Irish American, Boston sports bar and restaurant. All right. And like I said, like the bar at the TV series Cheers. If you see that. That was kind of the feeling I wanted to create and did create. So then you get off on this incredible adventure and you open your first restaurants. You had a lot of debt. You have your own you know for one crown. But did it take off instantly? Like was it an instant success? It did. It was it was just it was a big chance. Of course, as every entrepreneur, you have to believe in what you do. And I really. Believe in it. And also, like I said, I was a kind of a I had a very good network already in that age in Sweden and in Gothenburg. So I we also got very, very good staff. So everything really came to pieces there and we opened up and I was really, I mean, many people I know Ann was very nervous and I said, This is going to work. And we just had a soft opening. It was not a grand opening. We waited a week for the grand opening and people just came. A lot of people came and I think it was like a Tuesday or something and then it was packed Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday. It was so much people. And then we had the grand sorry. Great success from the start. Yes. But let me hold you there for a second and tell me a little bit about, you know, the importance of the network. I mean, what do you mean with I had a great network already and it helped me get going. I mean, what kind of network are you talking about? No, I think in the restaurant business, I mean, I mean, if you open up a restaurant and as a owner, it's good if you have the contacts, of course. And also if you have the right staff in the kitchen or and bar and and service. They also have a big network, of course. So the restaurant business is like that. And if you have the right people, they get people. And the talk in town was very, very quick. So that was pretty fun. For about a week after we opened up the soft talk, we had the grand opening and it was crazy. It was lines outside. And then, you know, we started something. We were kind of the first place in Sweden. What I know about we started our kind of after work, but we did it a little bit differently and I and I got the inspiration from some pubs in Boston. Was that on, in Sweden we did Fridays but a lot of these places they put up a little buffet. There's some snacks it could be celery, blue cheese, some some nachos, some chicken wings and so on. So we did something. We called it the TGI Friday. We call it TGI Fridays because thank God it's Friday. It was before Fridays the chain came to Sweden. But still, that was the whole concept of it. And people really liked that. It was just free food. They just got a little plate and a small fork and a napkin. Everybody that bought something we didn't expect. We just expect that people from 4 or 5:00 would pop in. But just after two weeks or something, it created a this is before email. So a fax machines in companies in the central office, especially people in the advertisement business and finance business people fax to each other. Let's go to O'Learys. So that's how it all started with the Fridays and so on. And then also sports. Was that showing sports on TV was something new as well. People rarely the green walls, the memorabilia on the walls, the American style of bar. When you work on the bar and we serve like beer and you drank from the bottle and also we put up like four 28 inch TV screens in the first O'Learys. And people thought there was he's you know, he's lost it. This is never going to work. But suddenly it started more and more. And also it's timing is very important as well. Just that the TV and the satellite, you know, Sweden just had and many other countries, even in the Nordics and even in Europe, just to maybe have two, three, four channels. But when the satellite dish and the satellite came out, it was much more to be shown. So from just having a couple of maybe Saturdays and big events at the World Cup in soccer or football, for instance, maybe then it was showing on TV, Now it started to showing more and more. Instead of one Premier League game and Premier League started a few years later, we opened and then the Champions League. So we were very lucky that the whole sports thing also kind of grown a lot in the late 80s, early 90s, and that was very, very beneficial for us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know, of course that's, you know, outlet number one you could say that's the, that's the, the basic one, the first one, the one that you put all your efforts in, you know, afterwards it grows to 130 and more even maybe outlets. Um, was this the idea from the beginning? Did you immediately, even before the first one opened, say, you know, if this works, I want to scale this up? Or was this kind of an idea that grew a long time over time? I had a plan before we open up, so a lot of my inspiration came from other restaurant chains. That was big casual dining chains in the US. As I mentioned before, of course, the Chili's was a Houlihan's and Bennigan's was a couple of casual dining chains in the US was big in the 80s and 90s, Hard Rock Cafe, of course. So in the back of my head, yes, I had the thought that it would be a chain and I somebody told me, I even said it would be a franchise chain that came in later. I don't think I said that before I opened up the first unit, but everything I did with the first unit was that I put out the logo on napkins, sugar packages, matchboxes, drink sticks and so on. So it looked very professional. From day one, it looked like a chain. And actually people just five years ago and maybe even today, a lot of people thought and still think, oh, this is an American chain and not a Swedish chain. People were surprised about that. So when we opened up the second restaurant that was in Stockholm, because I also there had a big network and then we did, you know, we started we could take staff from Stockholm, take them to Gothenburg for training. And we started we had the same purchasing agreements with all the vendors, the same staff close. We do, we started doing manuals and then the third restaurant, fourth restaurant or fifth restaurant opened up. And all those restaurants I own myself and I had two partners in a in a couple of them as well. And then 92, when we opened up the second restaurant with the two partners, that's when I started O'Leary's trademark and I had the franchise rights in a separate company. And that's really when I started my first franchise agreements. Even with the restaurants, the restaurant I owned in Gothenburg still, and the future restaurants I opened up with partners. Yeah, about, about, you know, these, these early days and where you opened the second and the third and the fourth in the neighborhood. How long do you stay or did you stay operational? Like really like running the bar? And how long have you been doing that? And what's the timing that you say? You know, it's not for me anymore to close down the bar. Somebody else needs to do this. Yeah, I mean, with the first restaurant, of course, I worked on the floor bar, head waiting, waiting and did everything and. And was not supposed to work. She's not from the restaurant business. She. She had an MBA from from Boston College and she was looking into working in finance, but she had a tough time getting a job, really. And like I said, the lyrics was such a success. So all the, you know, all the bills was piling up in the office. So she took a role and taking care of the economy. But she also, you know, we cleaned in the mornings she she had to help working in the bar as a cocktail waitress. So everything was hands on, of course, in the first unit. And really, really fun. And the better it got, of course you could. But like I said, I didn't have it took like three, four months before we really could have any vacation or anything. You could take a day off or a night off. But then the restaurant business, even when you were off, I always came into the restaurant as well because that was my home and my hobby. But really, when the second restaurant opened up in Stockholm, then it got more traveled every time a still worked on a schedule a little bit so they could I could be on the schedule in the bar here and there. I mean, my my then wife and she, she lived in Gothenburg. And I, I went to train back and forth to Stockholm, Gothenburg for about a year or two. Yeah. All right. And then when the third restaurant opened up, then I couldn't be as operational. And then, of course, then you had to. When we scaled up, I took care of all the things marketing and still took a shift now and then. So just just to keep touch with, with, you know, how it, how it goes there, I guess. And then, you know when, when the business grows, you say, okay, I took care of other stuff. How difficult was it to to let go of this operational, let's say, execution within the restaurant? Because that's how you start. That's what that's its passion. You know, it's this hospitality thing, how it is. Did you did you found it to let go of that and become kind of more of a CEO or somebody who who had to manage multiple people or multiple businesses? I was I hadn't made up in my mind that it was going to be a chain. I know that when when we opened up in Stockholm and Gothenburg was very much to me and you heard, Oh, when you're not there, it's not as good. And so on, so on. But I also had great staff that also were, was very personalized and so on. So it didn't really. Affected so much. But of course it was a step. But I made up my mind. Like I said early, that this has to work. I have to have good managers. I can't be operational all the time. But of course, I always was there. I mean, it's a story, you know, I came back, you know, I haven't been in Gothenburg for a week and, you know, I mean, I didn't say hello to my wife or anything. The first thing I did when I got back to the restaurant was those people smoke was changing ashtrays. I hated full ashtrays. I was learned when I was early in my days that always have clean tables and so on. So before I just got back from the train station, took off my jacket, left my briefcase. I started working right away before saying hello to my wife or anything. And so that's the feeling as an entrepreneur you have. So yeah, of course. And, you know, can you tell me because of course, I mean, time has passed and of course the remembrance is very positive and it's a beautiful concept which you've built. But can you can you share, let's say, a challenge that you had at that time where you you know, as you said, you know, this was something that, you know, always went wrong or, you know, what you were struggling with at a certain moment in time. In this early in the early days, I would. Say. Outlets. No. I mean, I think the obvious is the same challenges everybody has know. I think it's the challenge and that everybody has. You can't you can't copy paste yourself. You wish you could duplicate. You clone yourself all the time. So you just have to kind of work that through that you you can't be in 2 or 3 places at the same time. But otherwise I noticed that, okay, I wanted to grow and I wanted to open up my second restaurant. So first of all, finding partners and I did that for, for the, for the next four restaurants. We opened up two in Stockholm, one in a town north of Stockholm, about two hours clevela. And then we opened up in another town, mid city called Norrkoping. So those restaurants we we opened up myself and we had good managers. The, the two partners had was silent partners. So it took me time to go through all these restaurants. So I did all the check ups, quality control and so on to make sure all the restaurants were doing well. But I also noticed that if we were going to grow again, it was through franchise. So already 92, 93, when I started his trademark, I took up I got contact with a good franchise lawyer in Sweden and drafted out the first franchise agreements. I also did all the all the agreements with all our vendors, suppliers as well. So that's really the next step was finding franchisees and the early days because Olearius was such a success and and the sport thing was growing. People were calling me and so on. So it was I wouldn't say easy, but we opened up one restaurant in 96 in Lulea, and then another restaurant in 97 and 1998 was two restaurants, and then 99 was six restaurants. And then you you had to scale it up. You had to I mean, I had my own restaurant so I could use staff there for for training. I can use the restaurants for training as well. So that's really the next step of it to making it a chain. And then you come into face, I would say phase three, the first restaurant, the next four restaurants, and then the first franchise restaurants, and then from there, building up the company that still is Julia's trademark today is basically then it started in the mid 90s to be a franchise driven restaurant concept. With the franchise model. So. So you say it took you till, let's say the end of the 90 seconds to to grow to how many 20 something. 15 restaurant, 15 restaurants. So it took about 12 years to be 15 restaurants. Yes. You have to say also, I mean, franchising in Sweden wasn't really big. It actually was was very almost looked the political in Sweden was very kind of socialistic. So franchising was American bad thing. So it was nothing people look good about really. It was really in the 90s. It started growing. Of course you had McDonald's, Burger King and so on. So it's the franchise kind of business model was getting more and more accepted in the 90s, but it took a while and look in the restaurant business. Yeah, it was a lot of good restaurateurs, but they really just had one one restaurant that was there or 2 or 3, 4 or 5, but it was. Really no chain restaurants. If you look in if you take away the fast food, of course. So we were really one of the first kind of building up a concept that you could scale up and so on. But we had to do it. Like I said, we had to do it. We had to get from the beginning with a handbook and all the manuals, and that took some time to create, but I had good help with that. Yeah, fantastic. And you know, if I, if I then look into, you know, the, the scaling after 2000 so it took you 12 years to go from 1 to 15 and then it took another ten years to go to 15 to 120, something like that. I would say it took from 15 we say from from from the turn of the century to 2000, those next ten years we went from. 15 restaurants up to about 75, maybe 75. So so that's that's a tremendous growth in ten years time. And that was the next step. That was the phase four because I, I saw I, I understood that, okay, I can't do this by myself. So, so one big thing we did was that we got some help. I tried to get a better board. I also 2003 hired an outside CEO because I said I don't have the capacity to be a CEO. And then we had then 2003 was 25 restaurants also. Then I had started looking for a partner and had really failed with that. But when Villa came in as CEO with his network as well, and also fortunately I was going through a divorce then with Dan, so for two reasons. I need to settle financially the divorce, but also look for a strong both financial partner, but also a partner with knowhow. And that's how Select Service Partners SSP came in and they bought they bought was it was a 51% of the company from them and then they bought 4 to 4%. 2008 So they buy they own 90, 95% of the company 2008. But with SSP, we got the know how. We also got the security from them. We got we could build up a small head office, you know, we didn't have a CFO or anything or so we could hire from, from 4 or 5 people. We could put in 7 or 8 more people. So we had a little bit better organization. And then of course, we could grow slowly when we opened up more restaurants. Yeah. So one thing that that that I find intriguing is you get on board this, this, this investor or this this, this partner, which kind of, you know, gives you the financial stability you need to grow the business and allows you to open up multiple restaurants and and many restaurants in ten years time. Um, but, but, but you also give up a little bit of control of your business, of course, because you're not the only decision maker anymore. Is there anything you, you know, our audience you want our audience to learn from, from this experience. Like, you know, be careful when you do this or No, no, I would recommend doing this. Yeah. I mean, I've done it a few times now, so but yes, I would of course I would have kept a larger stake, but myself, I wish I had done that. But I also had a saying that I'd rather own 10% of a restaurant company that opens up 200 restaurants than than than 100%. Just open up, you know, 25. Yeah. So, so, so. But yes, but also finding the right partner and SSP was right. This was SSP, Sweden. They had a really good CEO, then Hans Excel. Then later he got another role in SSP and Loss. Urdangarin was the CEO and they were really good. And also SSP is a great food and beverage company. They especially, of course, in their field, the travel locations, airports, train stations and so on. But but they also knew the business. So that was good. We we spoke the same language, but with their network, my dream was to be an international chain that was really I really wanted because I looked at we're going to be bigger than Fridays, you know, that was like the goal I'd set up. So I saw it and I still see it even if I'm not really happy. Happy the way Olearius hasn't been going since I left the company. But still, the potential for Olearius was really to work in every other country in the world. Fortunately, we didn't make it to open up in the UK, in the US that you have to open up if you want to be a strong international brand. But with SSP, we got to the airports, we got the international and we did a run for it. And but also they let us work pretty independent as well. We had a board meetings with SSP in it and we could work. We had very close working together with them and developing the concept. I had still my stock of restaurant, I had two 2010, so I still had a foot in the business. We could try out recipes and training and stuff there as. Well. So that was good. But but yes, that was that was a really important for us to have that partner with us. And then of course, they were my compass group then. And then they were sold to to Equity Venture Capital Capital Company. So we've after 2010, we saw that they're going to do an IPO of SSP. So it was a little window. So actually we bought back me, me, my CEO and my CEO, Christa. We bought back the company, but we had two brothers that came in as investors, so they bought out, we bought out SSP and then me and Christian and also Villa got a little bit part of the company as well. And then we could continue to develop the company from 2012 and forward. And we did that very well as well and really, really start growing a lot. So. So you bought the company back and then you, you maintained, did you grow after 2010 another you know, did you you you brought in another investor or did you stay independent at that time? No, we continued the franchise model really was very good for us. We we grow with very low risk. We didn't have any corporate restaurants at all until 20 1617. I think we was the first restaurant we did. It was a big step for us to do that. But we came to a point, you know, like I said, 2010, maybe 75 restaurant or something. And then by 2018 we were closer to 150 because we had a couple of other brands as well called Boston Grill and so on, but totally close to 150 units when we turned 30, 2018. But also that we felt then that, okay, if we want to take the next step from the 100 plus restaurants we had and really succeed, we need to have a different kind of business model. And one way was having our own restaurants and we opened up some flagship stores and that's what we started to do around 2015. And then we needed more capital and we looked into how to get more partners in. And then actually that's how we went out and found a couple of companies that was interesting to, to, to, to come into lives. And it ended up with a Swedish equity company called Altor. But then it's a big, big step. Romanian restaurants is more risk and you have to do it right, have the right staff, and it's. Much more capital intensive. I guess it is. It is. It is. And I think, I mean, even before Altru came in, we did some mistakes, but also we started a little after 20 years or 25, we needed to do some stuff. We needed to improve the the interior, modernize a little bit. And we did a big project called we call it the Fenway Edition, where we really changed a lot of design. And we did it, of course, every restaurant during we open up, it always tweaked a little bit, but we did a big thing around 2000, 1214 where we did a big change of the sign, still kept the lyrics. Of course, we did a lot of internal work. We started to to because when you come up to a amount of restaurant, a big, big like all chains have is how are the quality? How if you go to this restaurant there and that one in different countries is always have to be O'Leary's And when you come up to 100, 100 plus restaurants, that is a big, big challenge. But we did a big project that we did for about three years, so we really took all the restaurants. We did a big, big investment in all the staff and we did a lot of training, a lot of improvement of quality, and we had these huge conferences and also with all the chain, all the staff with it in the Nordics, we could do that. And it really boosted the whole thing. So we really in around 20 1516, we were really, really ready for for the next step. We also starting to to improve the menu. Of course we needed to get better. We had we had lost a lot in Sweden then as a lot of other parts of Europe, a lot of these more fast casual burger chains started to come up. We had lacked a little bit of food quality. We had we had taken some some shortcuts that we should have done. And we had a lot of debate at the board about this, of course. But can you tell me. About that a little bit? Because that is the I think that, of course, with a lot of respect of. Cause, but that's something that interests me a lot, is you took shortcuts. What kind of shortcuts can't you take in a food business? No, I think. Of course, you have to look at what the guests wants to have. I mean, that is really, really good. And also, we had. Some very big franchises, especially the company I talked about for before SSP. And, you know, sometimes you have to sometimes we we may give in in a couple of things for some of the franchisees and everybody does mistakes and those things happen. But also what also was happening a lot, you know, and today you can see it as well. I wish I mean, all the tools you have technology today with with programs you have for for staff control and ordering and so on. I mean, in the old days, you didn't have that. So it's in one way, it's also easier to run a restaurant today, but also it's more and more competitive. I mean, it's it's a lot of brands out there and that you see that in Sweden just having a few casual dining brands. It was explosion, you know, in the mid 20 tens with with a lot of casual dining all Swedish concepts that wanted to to to grow and also start with franchise or own like Boston Burgers bread and us Pinchos and a lot of other concepts and the quality of the I know the mom and pop stores was also much better so so the competition is really really hard but but we we went through a phase there during, like I said, 2015 up to 18. But then we decided that we needed to get a stronger financial partner in as well. And so do I hear you saying that that, you know, food quality became more and more important in the franchise and in, you know, in the concept? Because it obviously started as a, let's say, as a bar where you could drink and have a little bit of, you know, finger food. If, if I'm not mistaken, the thank God it's Friday kind of concept. Yeah. Did it become more and more important and quality as well now? I think I mean, even Fridays I mean that kind of casual dining food or those food chains have, you know, that was really big in the 80s and 90s and so on. I think people got a bit tired of it. The competition also got a lot better. People started looking more into health issues. Of course, the whole thing with non non plant food came in and so on and we were maybe a little bit late on that that but we looked into it. But so the whole market kind of changed and people of course, expectations get higher and higher. People travel more and see other things. You need to update your brand in a way. And we were a little bit late in that, especially the burger side. We didn't we didn't keep up the quality. So but we worked hard on that and we really started to get back to that. You know, before 2018. And then when other people came in, they started changing everything over again. And this is my private opinion, not for the better, unfortunately. But yeah, and that's the way. And then we're almost at the end of this podcast, so I wanted to fast forward to, you know, the moment that you decide, you know, it's been enough, I have to sell or I want to sell because I believe. When did you did you leave all O'Leary's. No, like I said, know 2018, when the venture capitalist company came in to be the head owners together with the brothers, our small owners, most of us sold out. We had I had a little piece left that I kept. My plan was to continue working with the restaurant, being, you know, as the founder and also working with what I've done all the time with expansion, you know, finding locations, finding franchisees as basically what I've been doing in the last 25, 30 years. So that was my plan to do that. But, you know, when when in this case it wasn't the perfect fit, not for me. And I think they did a little bit too many changes. They changed out everybody in the staff and they got a new CEO that doesn't work there anymore. I could have told him that right away was not the right fit. It was not the same company anymore. And when we had SSP, it was fine because they were in the business. They knew the restaurant business, they knew the service industry. When these, you know, beancounters come in, it was different. It wasn't fun. Again, it could work, but in my opinion it didn't work. So I decided to to about two, two years ago to leave the company, sell a little bit. I had there left and and and do something different and that's what I'm doing. Today. I'm semi-retired, but but I still work as an FNB senior advisor in a couple of companies. I'm sitting in a few boards and I'm helping some Swedish and even some Scandinavian chains. Other restaurant chains to grow and so on. And I hope to continue doing that a couple more years. Fantastic. Last question. 30 years of growing a fantastic brand and you know, you know, making making waves, let's say. What are the pros and cons? What is the what what is the lesson learned in these 30 years? What is the thing that you want to give the the listeners and say this is this is what you need to look for? Oh, yeah, that's a big question. It's a lot of things. I know it's hard to it's hard to say that in one sentence. I mean, first of all, first of all, when you start, you need to really believe in your idea. You you really need to to give it 100%. It could be a chance. But you also have have a good concept. You also need to get good people around you, a good staff and good advisors. I did some mistakes during that that I had listened to the wrong people. I also did some good things as well during all these 30 years. But in the long run, I'm really proud of of actually building up a very, very well known brand, especially in Scandinavia. Like I said, we were over 150 restaurants in 15 countries, 19, 2018 when we turned 30 years old. So I'm really happy and proud of that. I'm still called Mr. O'Leary's, and I always lived with that all my life. It's sad that that the the the divorce or break up with the lyrics trademark didn't really get a soft landing that I hope. But those things happen sometimes you collide. We just look different at things and and it's not only it's my fault as well it's both fault. So I left the company. I wish it ended up better, but who knows? You never know in the future what happens. But I'm glad for that. I'm very proud and. And so on. Actually, I'm in Gothenburg right now because I'm up here doing some work at some meetings. Actually, I had a meeting in downtown. I actually passed the location where the first lyrics open up and it's actually a plaque on the building. Landlord put it up that here is the first O'Leary's restaurant. So I went by today, took a picture. I'm very proud of that. That part of that journey. Fun journey. Fantastic. Thank you very much for this interesting podcast. It's been great having you and thank you for sharing all of your experience with us. Yeah, okay, good. And people want to know more. They could Google me and you can read a lot both in English and Swedish. I'm sure some of them will definitely love your show. Good to have you. And it's interesting, you know, when you're in FOB and the restaurant business, it's it's part of your life forever. This brings us to the end of the show. My name is Karl Jacobs, and I hope you enjoyed this episode. The food Service Group show is all about growing your brand into a profitable and healthy business. Subscribe to this channel for more hands on interviews and insights. Until next time on the Food Service Growth Show.

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